The Forest School

The Forest School

As The Forest School's Headteacher, I am delighted with the outstanding results students and staff have produced.

My ambition is to ensure The Forest School provides an exceptional inclusive education for every pupil, and I will continue to drive standards beyond national averages. I will continue to work with staff, pupils and parents to foster and sustain positive outcomes for all. 

We will develop the whole child and ensure that every child is fully equipped for life through our core values: Aspiring, Safe, Prepared, Independent, Respectful and Excellent.

These values are for all stakeholders as we recognise the importance of parents and the inclusive community in the education of the next generation. We have a strong academic, sport and creative success, and this is delivered through the high level of curriculum and pastoral support for every pupil. 

We have strong partnerships with Reading Football Club, RAMS Rugby Club, London Irish, Ducklings and Dolphins swimming club and LetsLocalise. We have established a very successful Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold scheme and run bi-annual World Challenge expeditions. Attendance to one of the many extra-curricular clubs is encouraged, choices include: swimming, drama, sports, music, computing, library club and many more. We add enrichment through STEM events and invite aspirational speakers to engage our students.

Shirley Austin


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Forest School
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Ms Shirley Austin
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0118 978 1626 0118 978 1626
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The Forest School
Robin Hood Lane
RG41 5NE
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Facilities and Accessibility

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As a large secondary school we have an excellent range of facilities for hire. We have multiple classrooms, halls, and sporting areas. We have excellent transport links and car parking space. If you would like to enquire about hiring a space for an activity please contact Mrs Senior via

Accessing this service

Type of School
Age Ranges
11 yrs - 18 yrs
Local Offer

Local Offer - Support available for children and young people with additional needs

Local Offer Description

Local Offer last reviewed 17/08/2020

Identification of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

We gather information via the following means:

  • Year 6 to 7 Transition through information provided by Primary School

  • Year 7 Entry tests in Literacy skills and Cognitive Ability Tests are used to identify areas of possible difficulty which may also impact upon learning. Math testing is done by the math department in Year 7

  • New students (transitioning from other schools yrs 7- 11) are also tested on entry in their literacy skills to highlight any possible difficulties.

1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
  • In the first instance, contact your child’s form tutor who will then discuss any issues with subject teachers and Head of Year;  

  • Any information or assessments will be reviewed after a term and, should your child still fail to make expected progress, then s/he will be referred for intervention;
  • You may also wish to contact the SENCO directly to discuss concerns.
Support for children with special educational needs 2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

Where our assessment has identified that a pupil is experiencing difficulties, we follow a cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ which leads to an ever-increasing understanding of needs and how to address them.  This is known as the ‘graduated response’. We ensure that:

  • The class teacher carries out a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs, supported by the school’s SENCO;
  • The analysis of needs includes data on progress, attainment and approaches to learning and the views of the pupil and their parent/s or carer/s, and advice from any other support professionals;
  • Where behaviour is an area of concern, we use a behaviour support plan which draws on an analysis of Antecedents, Behaviour and Consequences;
  • We plan for provision which can remove the barriers to learning for the pupil using evidence based and effective teaching approaches, appropriate equipment, strategies and interventions;
  • We provide support which may include differentiation, additional programmes, small group and/or individual support where possible;
  • The class teacher retains the responsibility for the learning of the pupil even if the pupil is receiving support away from the rest of the class, for example, in a small group;
  • We review the pupil’s progress and development and decide on any changes to be made in consultation with the pupil and their parent/carer;
  • Where progress is limited, we take advice from external specialists /practitioners and discuss their input, advice and support with parent/s or carer/s, and all staff involved;
  • Where assessment indicates that specialist services are required, we make referrals promptly and discuss at termly school planning meetings;
  • We draw up SEN Provision Maps 
2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

Parents and carers are key partners in their children’s education.  Evidence shows that children make the most progress when their key adults work together.   At The Forest School, we demonstrate this by:

  • Always discussing any concerns that we have with the pupil’s parents and/or carers at the earliest point;
  • Listening to and hearing what parents and carers say;
  • Identifying outcomes to be achieved with parents and carers;
  • Planning interventions with parents and carers;
  • Meeting with parents/carers to review their child’s progress;
  • Being honest, open and transparent about what we can deliver;
  • Making sure parents know who to contact if they have any concerns.
2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?

Pupils throughout the school are encouraged to be as independent as possible using the skills they have. This will include aspects of personal care, personal organization, learning to be independent of full adult attention, moving around independently and much more:

  • Students are awarded commendations for achievements in attendance, correct equipment, homework and effort to promote independence further;
  • Form Tutors may act as a key person for the student who may be less organised due to their disability and help in establishing routines;
  • Visual timetables are produced for those who may need this accommodation;
  • Verbal reminders about homework where possible (particularly in KS3). The ‘show my homework’ app also gives students / parents reminders of homework that is due in;
  • Homework club is provided to encourage and assist students with SEN before and after school daily;
  • Meet and Greet’ is provided for those students who find it difficult to organise / function in a large school (with many different teachers and many things to remember). A key person will check in with the student on a daily basis and help them with any problems they may have or reassure them about what subjects they have and where they are going each day to help them to prepare themselves.
2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?

In line with the 2014 SEND Code of Practice, the school promotes high quality first teaching in class. All teachers are teachers of children with special education needs.

Pupils with SEN are supported in a variety of ways including:

  • Differentiated activities tailored to their needs;
  • Support from the class teacher (or Learning Support Assistant where possible);
  • The use of specialist equipment where necessary / possible;
  • Small group or individual interventions to achieve specific outcomes where possible;
  • Specialist support off site with other agencies.
2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

Each child’s needs are looked at individually to determine the best strategies to be used specifically, or generally, across the curriculum.

Strategies may include:

  • Visual timetables;
  • Visual support including pictures, writing frames or word banks;
  • Prompt cards;
  • Laptops with enlarging capabilities;
  • Multi-sensory learning approach to activities;
  • Differentiated activities and resources;
  • Rewards system;
  • ICT support;
  • Social skills group activities;
  • Cartooning to communicate.
2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?
  • Learning Support Assistant for after school homework club
2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type

Forest School offers a range of interventions, in small groups, to develop the pupil's skills in:

Literacy and

Numeracy skills

and social interaction and communication skills.
Small group
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

Where appropriate, and on a needs basis, students may have access to the following resources:

  • Learning Support Department;
  • Learning Support Assistants;
  • Homework Club for SEN pupils;
  • Reading programme;
  • Handwriting programme;
  • Reader pens;
  • Computers;
  • Fiddle Toys;
  • Coloured overlays;
  • Laptops.
2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

We follow the guidelines of the Joint Qualification for Schools (JCQ) guidelines and below are listed some examples of the exam access arrangements that can be made:

  • Supervised rest breaks;
  • Extra time;
  • Reader;
  • Scribe/Amanuensis;
  • Prompter;
  • Laptop.
My child's progress 3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?
  • On-going teacher assessments (plan, do, review);
  • 3 data reports from subject teachers and 1 written report from head of year and Form Tutor per academic year;
  • Parent evenings;
  • Parental portal;
  • Annual reviews for those with Education, Health Care Plans (EHCP);
  • Intervention updates (at least once a year) and upon completion;
  • Standardised tests administered for those highlighted as consistently and significantly being impeded by SEND;
3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?
  • Reviewing of progress against targets will take place during discussions with teachers during parents’ evenings;
  • Review of progress of interventions such as Reading / Handwriting is communicated through email / letter;
  • Parents of students with EHC Plans are consulted as the needs arise as well as at the yearly annual review meeting.
3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?

To discuss your child's progress we offer:-

  • Communication via telephone or email;
  • Parents evening to meet subject teachers and SENCo;
  • Meetings with Form Tutor, Head of Year or SENCo;
  • Designated meetings for specific pupils with exceptional needs to work with outside agencies;
  • Annual Reviews, if the child has an Education Health and Care Plan.
3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?

Regualr contact is made by:-

  • Form Tutors or Subject Teachers to contact / discuss with parents any needs as they arise;
  • Staff may be contacted via emails or phone;
  • Some SEN students may require a Home-School liaison book through which parents / school staff can communicate;
  • Information on the parent portal (via the school website);
  • Academic and attendance tracking reports.
3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?
  • Parents / carers need to be familiar with, and in support of the procedures, rules and guidelines set down by the school;
  • To communicate with the school about important issues that might impact on the child’s behaviour, wellbeing or safety (Form Tutor is the first port of call);
  • To attend meetings and seminars at the school;
  • To assist the child with the planning and organisation of the school bag, equipment and homework;
  • To ensure that the child is prepared for the school day physically, emotionally, behaviourally and socially;
  • To provide a quiet space for the child to study, research and complete homework tasks at home.
3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?
  • Meetings with parents;
  • The school runs regular curriculum evenings, throughout the year, for each subject teacher to inform parents on progress and how to support their child;
  • Parenting courses are accessed through the school; by referral to the relevant outside agency.
3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?
  • Pastoral programme booklets and questionnaires;
  • Target setting within subject areas;
  • Learning Support Department mentoring, questionnaires, interviews and meetings.
3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?

The Forest school offers a comprehensive and inclusive curriculum, available to all pupils including:

  • GCSEs
  • BTECs
  • GCEs
  • DoE
3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?
  • Individual pupil progress is monitored and reviewed against targets;
  • Monitoring the academic progress of SEND pupils against national/age expected levels 9as well as national SEND performance data);
  • Pupil progress is monitored via teacher assessments and standardised scores;
  • Outside agencies review objectives set and progress made towards those targets;
  • Discussion with children and parents, as appropriate;
  • Mentoring reports, with target setting, which are prepared termly.
Support for my child's overall well being 4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?
  • Meet and Greet sessions every morning;
  • Encouragement and support through 1-1 mentoring (EHCP students);
  • Break and Lunch club / Social Skills Groups;
  • Learning Support Assistants in mainstream lessons;
  • Pastoral support is offered through the Safeguarding Lead and Head of Pastoral
  • External agencies
4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?
  • Communication of strategies between staff, pupils and parents or carers;
  • Behaviour Support Plans;
  • Pastoral Support Meetings in school between parent, student and head of Year;
  • Identify appropriate outside agencies to work with the pupil and/or parents/carers;
  • Return to learn area (to accommodate internal exclusion).
4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?
  • School First Aider;
  • First Aid equipment / room;
  • Staff will take on any additional training, as needed, to support the medical needs of any child.
4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
  • Parents are expected to supply spare inhalers, epi-pens and specific medication for emergencies;
  • Medicine policy for the storage and safe keeping of all medications;
  • School First Aider to attend to the medical needs of the pupils;
  • Specifically trained adults, according to the individual needs of the pupil;
  • All staff are made aware of pupils with specific allergies and/or medical needs.
4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?
  • There is a toilet for disabled use in the school building and in the library area;
  • There is a wet room in the Sports Hall.
Specialist services and expertise available at or accessed by the school 5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?
  • Educational Psychologists;
  • Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service;
  • Speech, Language and Communication Therapists;
  • Occupational Therapists;
  • Sensory Consortium Teachers;
  • Common Assessment Framework Officer;
  • Intervention workers from Foundry College for pupils and parents as and when necessary.
5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?
  • Contact the Head of Year or SENCo to discuss your concerns and, if necessary, they will make a referral.
5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?
  • The specialist service will observe and assess the child before preparing a programme for the school to follow;
  • School, staff will be trained to deliver the programmes provided, and monitor progress for further reviews with the SaLT and OT therapists.
5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist? 5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?
  • School has access to children’s social care services, if required
  • Designated staff for Child Protection are made known to all staff and pupils on entry to school
  • Liaison with Referral and Assessment Team and Neighbourhood Teams
Training of school staff in SEND 6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?
  • Information relating to SEN pupils is shared with all teaching staff
  • Training sessions on SEN or relevant SEN updates, using SENCO and or experts from outside agencies
  • Free, external SEN courses are offered to Teaching staff
6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?
  • Information relating to SEN pupils is shared with teachers and learning support staff;
  • Training sessions on SEN or relevant SEN updates, using SENCO and or experts from outside agencies
  • Free, external SEN courses are offered to LSA staff
  • SENCo attends JCQ updates annually
6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?

The SENCo has the following SEN qualifications:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Dylsexia and Literacy 
  • Approved Teacher Status (ATS) from British Dyslexia Association 
  • National Award for SENCO
  • Specialist Assessor (CPT3A) for exam access arrangements

The teaching staff have a great deal of experience in dealing with a range of SEND pupils.

Also one member of staff has the following expertise:

  • Speech Language and Communication - EKLAN Certificate - Level 3
  • CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of other Languages
6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?
  • The Learning Support Assistants have training in a range of SEN with qualifications at NVQ level 2 and 3;
  • An LSA is currently attending training in Speech Language and Communication - EKLAN Certificate;
  • All LSAs have completed online training in Autism Spectrum Disorder. and how to support students with SEND in Secondary School.
Activities outside the classroom including school trips 7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?
  • All children are included in out of school activities and trips;
  • Discussion with parents and a risk assessment is undertaken, in line with the Local Authority guidelines;
  • Parents may accompany their child, if necessary, or 1:1 support may be provided depending on the level of need.
7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?
  • Through discussions with parents and school staff to determine the level of support needed;
  • Meetings are organised before the activity or trip;
  • Parents may accompany the child on some trips;
  • Advice is also taken from the venue to be visited, in terms of their facilities and accessibility.
Accessibility of the school environment 8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?
  • The newly extended 6th form block has access for students with mobility difficulties or wheelchair use, throughout the building;
  • The new 6th block is fully equipped for disabled pupils;
  • As far as possible, the school is accessible to all children but, as it is an old building, there are sections that are not accessible.
8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?
  • Advice is sought from outside agencies regarding adaptations in teaching areas of each child as needed
8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?
  • There is a toilet designated for disabled use in the Medical Room and in the School Library;
  • The new changing room has a toilet for disabled use;
  • There is a wet room in the Sports Hall facility.
8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?
  • As far as possible, the school is accessible to all children but, as it is an old building, there are sections that are not accessible;
  • The 6th form building is fully accessible for all students;
  • For temporary incapacity, there are changes to the room allocation for that pupil, to minimise  the difficulties of moving between classrooms.
8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?
  • Parents with a disability are treated as equals, with respect and understanding;
  • If the school is informed of a disability in advance, we will try to accommodate this, as far as reasonably possible, in order to be pro-active instead of reactive;
  • The school website is available in various accessible formats;
  • Printed information is available in a number of formats, wherever possible;
  • The school has a plain English approach.
8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?
  • Translations and support are sought for parents who do not speak English to a fluent level
  • There is an EAL teacher who is involved with the parents of our EAL students
Preparing my child to join the school or to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life 9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

In preparation for the transfer to secondary school there is a:

  • Planned transition, which includes meetings and visits to the school for the pupil and the parents / carers;
  • A Transition Programme for SEN and Vulnerable pupils;
  • Liaison with the current school, to meet the child and the teacher in that familiar setting;
  • Transition and information booklets outlining the features and procedures within the school;
  • Meetings with the family and specialist services who are involved with them;
  • SENCo or support staff to attend Team Around the Family meetings or Annual Reviews, if appropriate.
9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?
  • Teacher assessments and discussion with Form Tutor, Head of Year and parents
  • Year 9 Options evening
  • Meeting with Senior Leadership Team, Sixth Form leaders and Year Directors to discuss post 16 options
  • Career meetings (small group or individual where necessary)
  • Guidance sessions with careers advisor at the school
9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?
  • The Year 6 – Year 7 transition programme;
  • SEND Transition and information booklet, with photos of key adults and important places in the new school;
  • Liaison with current setting to provide records and information about the child;
  • Meet with teachers to pass on information including academic and social needs, specific strategies that work and medical details;
  • Meet with outside agencies to support transition.
9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?
  • Contact teachers to discuss child’s special educational status and provision
  • Discuss academic and social needs, specific strategies that work and medical details
  • Recommend that the new school visit the child in current setting
  • Teaching Assistant may accompany a child on visits to the new school where necessary
  • Share good practise and strategies with new school staff
  • Encourage parents to be involved in the process.
9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?
  • In consultation and agreement with the parents, the school will provide information relating to academic attainment, formal assessments, specialist reports, provision and strategies that are currently in place
  • Details of SEN in the Education Health and Care Plan
  • Copies of Individual Learning Profile or Provision map where relevant
  • Child Protection records where relevant
9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?
  • Liaison with the SENCo in the new setting
  • Liaison with qualified Careers Staff, Head of Year and Sixth Form Tutors
  • Allow child to attend open days with LSA support and within school hours where necessary
  • Seek advice from the Forest School, Careers Advisor
  • Prepare a Support Plan as necessary
  • Arrange visits to the new setting with staff and/or parents
  • Liaise with the outside agencies that may be involved with the child
Who can I contact to discuss my child ? 10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?
  • The child’s Form Tutor is the first point of contact
10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)


10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?
  • The school webpage has details of the agencies that may be able to offer support to parents and families
  • SEND policy has a list of relevant contacts
10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?
  • Feedback from parents is welcome and can be sent via email, letter or in response slips and questionnaires
  • Academic concerns with the subject teacher, Form Tutor or Head of Year
  • Parental questions and feedback during the Year 6 – Year 7 transition programme
  • Contact with the Head of Year or SENCo to discuss concerns or issues regarding SEND
  • Contact Headteacher or SEN Governor with complaints
School Admissions and Policy Documents

11.1: School admission arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities

School admission arrangements

For more information about admissions arrangements please visit:

Admissions Information: 

For all policies relating to SEND please visit the school policy page:

School Admission Link
The Forest School website Admissions page contains links to Admission policies

11.2: School Accessibility Plan

11.3: Special Education Needs Policy

Last Update

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