South Lake Primary School

South Lake Primary School Logo

South Lake Primary School is situated in an established residential area in Woodley, Reading.

Number of pupils on roll (including nursery class): 494 approx

Contact information

South Lake Primary School
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Contact Name
Mrs A M Butler-Willis
Contact Position
Head Teacher
0118 969 1672 0118 969 1672


South Lake Primary School
Campbell Road
View RG5 3NA on a map

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Type of School
Age Ranges
4 yrs - 11 yrs
Local Offer

Local Offer - Support available for children and young people with additional needs

Local Offer Description

Local Offer last reviewed 14/10/2022

Identification of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

Concerns raised by:

  • Parent or carer
  • Teacher including SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)
  • Phase Leader (teacher with responsibility for Foundation, Key Stage 1 or 2)
  • Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher, Assistant headteacher
  • Early Years Practitioner (EYP), in Foundation Stage 
  • Teaching Assistant (TA), in Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 and 2


  • Early years setting or previous school
  • Health professional
1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

Talk to us:

  • In the first instance contact your child's class teacher
  • You can also contact the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) Phase Leader or Head Teacher 

If you already have concerns or know your child has SEND, when your child joins the school, please talk to us about it.

Support for children with special educational needs 2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

Our class teachers:

  • Plan the learning for all children in their class or group, including those with SEND
  • Monitor and track progress for all children in their class or group including those with SEND, to enable all children to reach their potential 

There may also be a TA or EYP in the classroom, who may work with your child individually or as part of a group.

Our SENCo:

  • Helps class teachers put in place the appropriate support for children with SEND
  • Oversees provision for pupils with SEND
  • Monitors the progress across the school of children identified with SEND
  • Can meet with other professionals e.g. Educational Psychologist (EP), Speech & Language Therapist (SALT), Learning Support Service (LSS), Occupational Therapist (OT)

 The work of the SENCo is supported and monitored by the Head Teacher.


2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

The class teacher will plan to meet with parents of all children in their class / group on a termly basis to discuss:

  • Your child's needs, support and progress

The SENCo is available to discuss:

  • Support and progress in more detail
  • Whether support from other professional(s) such as EP or LSS might be helpful
2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?

The school will plan the necessary level of support for children with SEND taking into account their strengths and difficulties. This will help them to develop independence that is appropriate for their age and ability.

2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?

Learning is planned by teachers:

  • In accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines
  • At an approriate level, so that all learners are able to access it according to their specific needs and abilities

Learning could be: 

  • Scaffolded or may sometimes be differentiated for small groups of children
  • Scaffolded or may sometimes be differentiated for individual children
  • Supported by an adult
  • Providing opportunities for independent learning

The schools approach to learning includes consistent use of Assessment For Learning (AFL) strategies that support differentiation.

2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

A range of strategies are employed to support children with SEND as advised by outside professionals. 

Staff receive and access additional training and support as required.

2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?

Our aim as a school is to meet the requirements of all children including those with SEND.

Additional staffing is provided as required, and as the school budget allows.

2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

The school has a selection of resources to enable children with SEND to participate effectively in their learning. e.g. pencil grips, 'sit and move' cushion, sloping writing surface, supplementary reading resources.

2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

The school is able to apply for access arrangements for formal testing of children with SEND.

e.g. Additional time or a reader

My child's progress 3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

Every child's progress is assessed and tracked on at least a termly basis. This is monitored by the assessment and tracking lead teachers.

Progress will be reported to parents at parent / teacher consultation meetings.

3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?

Teachers review progress, often in conjunction with the SENCo, and new targets can be set. 

New targets are shared with parents, which may include activities for children to do at home, to further develop skills and independence.

3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?

Parents may request additional opportunities to meet with their child's Class Teacher at any point during the school year.

Appointments may also be made with the SENCo, Phase Leader, Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or Head Teacher.

3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?

No response given

3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?

No response given

3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?

The school runs some daytime and evening information sessions/meetings for parents. e.g Spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Our website often includes details of services and resources to help parents/carers support their child's learning.

3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?

No response given

3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?

No response given

3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?

Effectiveness of SEN provision is monitored by: 

  • Tracking of children's progress
  • Evaluating the impact of targeted support on children's progress
  • Ongoing discussions with children
  • Discussions with other professionals 
  • Meeting with parents to discuss progress and plan next steps
Support for my child's overall well being 4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?

The Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) curriculum, is taught across the school using: 'Jigsaw  - A mindful approach to teaching PSHE. Jigsaw PSHE is a comprehensive and completely original Scheme of Work for the whole Primary School from Nursery through to Year 6. It brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.

Additional small group sessions have been available for children; including those with SEND, who have required more specific support in this area.

4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?

This may include:

  • Some additional adult support
  • Adjusted timetable
  • Close working with parents through a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP)
  • Support and involvement from other professionals e.g. Behaviour Support Service, Education Welfare Officer (EWO)
  • Advice from the LEA
4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?

No response given

4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?

No response given

4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?

No response given

Specialist services and expertise available at or accessed by the school 5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?

In line with other local mainstream primary schools we can access a range of services which may include:

  • Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • Behaviour Support Service - Foundry College
  • Learning Support Service (LSS)
  • ASSIST (Autistic Spectrum Service for Information Support and Training)


  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • School Nurse
  • Sensory Consortium Service (SCS)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • CAMHs
  • Wokingham Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

Access to these services is usually through referral following LA / NHS guidelines.

5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?

Talk to us:

  • In the first instance contact your child's class teacher
  • You can also contact the SENCo, Phase Leader or Head Teacher 
  • You may also want to seek advice from your GP (General Practitioner)  
5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?

Access to these services is usually through referral following LA /NHS guidelines.

5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?

Talk to us:

  • In the first instance contact your child's Class Teacher
  • You can also contact the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) Phase Leader or Head Teacher 
  • You may also want to seek advice from your GP 
5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?

The school has a responsibility to contact Social Care Services if there are concerns about a child's welfare. Children's Social Care Services have a duty to keep school informed and updated.

The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for child protection and safeguarding in the school.

Training of school staff in SEND 6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?

Staff skills are monitored and supported by training which could be delivered by the SENCo, Phase Leader, Deputy Head Teacher or Head Teacher.

The school has in the past accessed training from visiting training providers and speakers.

Staff are also able to access local authority and national training as necessary.

6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?

Staff skills are monitored and supported by training which could be delivered by the SENCo, Phase Leader, Deputy Head Teacher or Head Teacher.

The school has in the past accessed training from visiting training providers and speakers.

Staff are also able to access local authority training if necessary.

6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?

The SENCo has completed the National Award for SEN Coordination.

6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?

No response given

Activities outside the classroom including school trips 7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?

Every effort is made to ensure all children are able to participate safely and enjoy out of school activities and trips.

7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?

No response given

Accessibility of the school environment 8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?

Our school building was refurbished in 2002 and therefore meets the building standards for that time. It should be noted that three of our classrooms are upstairs on the first floor of the building. 

8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?

To date none have been necessary.

8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?


8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?

Our Governing Body premises committee, review the school's Access Plan annually.

8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?

No response given

8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?

No response given

Preparing my child to join the school or to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life 9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

Preparation may include the following:

  • Visits and tour of the school for prospective parents and children
  • Meeting for parents and 'stay and play' sessions (Nursery children)
  • Staff visits to nurseries, 'Welcome Afternoon' including 'stay and play' taster sessions and meeting for parents (Foundation 2 children)
  • Additional visits, if necessary

If you already have concern, or know your child has a SEND when your child is due to join the school please talk to us about this.

9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?

Preparing for transition usually involves all children visiting their new teacher and classroom before the end of the academic year, and completing preparatory transition activities 

Some children may also have additional:

  • Transition activities e.g. Booklet, take photos
  • Visits to the new classroom or area 
  • Opportunities to see, talk to or visit their new teacher
9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?

Local Secondary schools offer a range of transition programmes, which we support.

These can include:

  • Taster sessions / days
  • Tours 
  • Visits
  • Meetings for parents and children

For some children including those with SEND there might also be the option of additional:

  • Visits
  • Activities e.g opportunity to take photographs at the new setting, transition booklet

Pupils who transfer to another Primary school before the end of Year 6, would normally do so in accordance with the receiving school's procedures for welcoming new children on roll.

9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?

We endeavour to liaise with the receiving school as appropriate in order to share relevant infomation, particularly concerning children with SEND.

9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?

Your child's school file, SEN file and an electronic Common Transfer File (CTF), which holds the data on the Schools Information Management System (SIMS).

9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?


Who can I contact to discuss my child ? 10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?

No response given

10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)

The school employs a Family Support Advisor.

10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?

No response given

10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?

No response given

School Admissions and Policy Documents

11.1: School admission arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities

School Admission Link
South Lake Primary School

11.2: School Accessibility Plan

11.3: Special Education Needs Policy

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