St Nicholas CE Primary School

St Nicholas CE Primary School is a member of the Keys Academy Trust and provides education for children 5-11 years old.  Situated in the village of Hurst, we are a small rural school of 140 pupils.  We aim to educate our children in a secure and happy environment, fostering attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility and promoting links between the home, school, the church and the village community.

Contact information

St Nicholas CE Primary School,Hurst
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Contact Name
Mrs Sarah Hilling
Contact Position
Head of School
0118 934 0727 0118 934 0727


St Nicholas CE Primary School
School Road
RG10 0DR
View RG10 0DR on a map

Facilities and Accessibility

Accessible toilet

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Type of School
Age Ranges
4 yrs - 11 yrs
Local Offer

Local Offer - Support available for children and young people with additional needs

Local Offer Description

Local Offer last reviewed 29/09/2022

Identification of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?
  • Professional experience of working with children who display SEND
  • Discussions between teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) where there are areas of concern.
  • Discussions between parents, teachers and SENCo.
  • Regular tracking and assessment of pupils and regular reviews of assessment data to highlight pupils who are not making expected progress.
  • Screeners (e.g. dyslexia, reading, spelling, maths).
  • Experiences shared from previous schools and settings.
  • Following up and working with outside agencies and other professionals.
1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
  • Initial discussion with class teacher to share concerns. The teacher can investigate and feedback or discuss with the SENCo where necessary.
  • If additional investigation is required, a follow-up meeting with the SENCo will be arranged to explain and discuss next steps.
  • If your child is moving school, to or from St Nicholas, ensure discussions with the SENCo take place prior to starting at the new setting to allow preparation time to support transition.
Support for children with special educational needs 2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

The class teacher is responsible for planning intervention programmes which have been identified through discussion and consultation with the SENCo.

2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?
  • In the first instance we will contact you personally, by phone or by email to ask to meet with you.
  • A Pupil Passport or Personal Support Plan may be drawn up.  This is a document for a pupil whose special educational needs are recognised and for whom the financial resources can be met within the budgets available to schools. It will also include how to support your child’s SEND at home.
  • As a parent, your involvement and support is vitally important in developing your child’s confidence in themselves and their abilities and supporting them in partnership with the school to reduce the effect of their SEND. You will be invited to regular meetings with the class teacher to review how well the strategies being used are working and what adjustments need to be made to the new plan once the old has been reviewed. You will be asked to sign a copy to show that you accept the support the school wishes to give your child.
  • Meetings with Outside Agencies which parents are usually invited.
  • Annual reports and sharing of progress at parent discussion meetings.
  • Annual reviews if your child has an Education, Health and Care plan.
2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?
  • Developing independence is our main goal for all children. Where your child is receiving support, we aim to make this specific, targeted and goal centred. 
  • The level of support is tailored to the child's needs and is reviewed regularly.
  • Support is specific, targeted and goal-dependent.
  • We feel that, in order to foster a child's independence and self-esteem, it is better for them if they are taught in a small group situation by a Teacher or Teaching Assistant.  However, it may occasionally be necessary for them to be taught on a one-to-one basis.
  • Visual timetables for all children encourage independence.
2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?
  • Differentiation occurs across school in all lessons in order to meet the needs of all children.
  • Where necessary, this might mean children working in small groups or working with the support of an adult either in or outside the classroom.
  • The teachers and SENCo have experience in working with a wide variety of SEND. We use a variety of resources, techniques and specific interventions personalised to each child’s needs.
  • Our aim is to bring out the potential of ALL children.
2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

Our teaching strategies may include:

  • Differentiated activities
  • Visual timetables
  • Visual support, including prompts, pictures, writing frames or word banks
  • Behaviour management strategies, including reward systems
  • Speech and language programmes
  • Awareness of placement in the classroom
  • Use of special needs resources, e.g. wobble cushion, writing slopes, etc.
  • Use of modified texts which might include coloured overlays, enlarged texts
  • Social skills groups
  • Social Stories
  • Friendship intervention groups
  • ICT support
  • Modelling of the spoken word
  • Modelling of behaviours 
  • Clear expectations and boundaries
  • Option of a quiet space where sensory overload is likely to happen
  • Multisensory approach
  • Pupil Toolkits
2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?
  • Trained and Experienced Teaching Assistants who work leading individual/group interventions under the direction of the class teacher.
  • SENCo with NASENCO qualification and ATS accreditation for working with learners with SpLD
  • Nurture Assistant
  • Family Support Worker as appropriate
  • School Dog
2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type
Social Skills and friendship groups Small group
Nurture Groups Small group
Memory games Small group
Occupational Therapy and Sensory Diets One to one
Speech and Language Support One to one
Reading Comprehension and phonics support (Books include Totum / Talisman / Moondog) One to one
Precision Monitoring One to one
Handwriting interventions such as Speed up, Write from the Start One to one
Social Stories One to one
Dyslexia Support via Nessy and Dyslexia Gold One to one
English as an Additional Language support One to one
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

Our resources and equipment include such things as:

  • Writing slopes
  • Move-n-sit cushions
  • Specialist pens, pencils and pencil grips
  • Coloured overlays
  • "Fiddle toys" and thera putty
  • Weighted shoulder snake, backpack or blankets
  • Privacy partition
  • Adapted chairs
  • School dog
  • The school purchases or hires additional equipment if needed as and when required.
2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

This would be discussed on an individual basis depending on your child's needs.

Provision includes

  • Extra time allocated
  • Staff member to read the questions when allowed
  • Staff member to scribe the answers when allowed
  • Private area in which the exam can take place
  • Movement breaks
  • Modified scripts
  • Visual timetables and social stories before exams, if necessary.

These provisions enable us to establish your child’s ‘true’ level if we feel that your child would not be able to fully access the tests they are sitting. This does not indicate that they would automatically qualify for the same provision under formal test situations such as SATS where National criteria may change yearly.  The teacher and SENCo will apply for the additional provisions as per the national requirements each year.

My child's progress 3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

All our children including those with SEND are informally monitored on a daily basis through marking of work, discussion with the child and observation of their learning. As a parent of the school, you will receive regular feedback about your child’s performance in class. More formal means of monitoring their progress include:

  • Regular Teacher Assessment
  • Termly progress is monitored, using a tracking system
  • Standardised tests 
  • In house and cluster moderation to ensure assessment is robust and consistent
3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?
  • Targets are reviewed every term, along with the assessment data, during discussion between your child’s class teacher and the assessment co-ordinator.
  • If it is decided to adjust your child’s target, the teacher will discuss this with you.
  • Children not making the required progress will be highlighted for discussion and/or intervention.  Initially, discussion will take place between the assessment co-ordinator and your child’s teacher.  The school’s SENCo may also be included in the initial discussion.  Your child’s teacher will then arrange a meeting with you to discuss concerns and possible interventions.
  • If it is decided that an intervention programme is necessary, the teacher will draw up a personal support plan, which you will be asked to sign.
3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?
  • Termly parents' evenings.
  • Teachers are happy to meet with parents at pre-arranged meetings at the end of the school day.
  • SEND children who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will have an annual review.
  • SEND children who have a SEN Support Plan in place will have termly reviews.
3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?
  • If it is felt necessary, a Home-School book can be put in place.
  • It is possible to set up regular weekly or daily meetings with school if it is felt necessary.
  • Some staff are present at the school gate and the entrance doors every morning for relaying messages to other staff members.  All staff are available on the playground at the end of the school day.
  • Telephone calls to discuss concerns.
3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?

You play an integral part in your child's support plan

  • Children with a support plan will have recommendations and exercises that you can do with your child.  These may include: visual timetables, reward systems, Occupational Therapy programmes or parenting courses, such as the Early Bird Plus course for parents of autistic children.
  • Daily reading at home.  As soon as your child is ready, they will be given a reading book from one of the school schemes.  
  • Practise spellings at home.  These are usually tested every week.
  • Every class from Year 1 to Year 6 has a homework programme.  Parents are encouraged to help their children complete the homework tasks.
  • There are some organisations which support with specific needs.  For example Wokingham ASSIST provide parent groups for supporting autistic children.  You can find signposting to some of these on the Wokingham Offer pages and the School Website.  You can also ask the SENCo for signposting.
3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?
  • We offer Parent Information Evenings when appropriate.
  • Signposting to other agencies / support networks
  • Opportunities to speak with staff about concerns
  • Family Support Worker
3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?
  • Parents can choose whether they wish their child to attend any meetings they are having with staff.
  • Staff regularly feedback to children on their progress and discuss their learning targets. When a child has met one of their targets, a new one is set through discussion between the teacher and the child.
  • If your child has an EHC Plan will be invited to an annual review following the person centred approach which actively involves your child.
  • SEN Support Plans and Pupil Profiles will include input from your child.
3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?


3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?
  • SEND children are tracked as a separate group and their progress is compared with that of the other children in their year group.
  • Our aim is to narrow the gap between the progress of children with SEND and that of the other children in their year group.
  • Regular review of intervention programmes takes place.
  • Children aware of their targets and next steps
  • Regular updates to the Governing Body
Support for my child's overall well being 4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?
  • We use a "buddy" system to assist children who are finding it difficult to settle.  A special friend is appointed, either from the same year group or from an older year group, to give support coming into school, at playtimes and other transition times during the day.
  • We regularly set up social skills groups which target children with social needs and aim to improve their interaction with other children. (Friendship groups, circle of friends etc.)
  • Circle Time to promote the emotional and social development of all our children, including those with SEND.
  • We have a qualified Nurture Assistant and Family Support Worker in school.
4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?
  • Children and parents sign a Home-School Agreement, which outlines the expectations.
  • Positive behaviour reward system which include reward charts, house points and certificates are systematically used in order for the children to be encouraged to demonstrate positive behaviours.
  • Appropriate sanctions are clear and consistent across the school 
  • The school has access to behaviour specialists through Foundry College in Wokingham, a behaviour support service.
  • Behaviour Support Plans
  • Clear expectations and consistency
  • Opportunity to take time out or move to a quiet / safe space
4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?
  • We have a medical room where children can be given medical treatment in private.
  • We work with the School Nurse Service, based at Wokingham Hospital.
  • Staff have annual training in first aid
  • Specific training where appropriate for conditions such as epilepsyand diabetes
4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
  • We can only administer prescription medicine to children.
  • Such medication can be administered by our office staff, providing the relevant paperwork is in place.
4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?

Where there is a medical issue or problem with personal care, Teaching Assistants provide help where required.

Specialist services and expertise available at or accessed by the school 5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?

Our school has access to the following Local Authority services, with the necessary parental consent:

  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Learning Support Service
  • Autism Spectrum Service for Information, Support and Training (ASSIST)
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
  • Sensory Consortium Service
  • School Nurse Service
  • Foundry College (Behaviour Support Service)
  • Education Welfare Service
  • Adoption Support
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • School Family Support Worker
  • Traveller Education Service
  • Nurture Assistant
  • Parenting and Family Services
  • Sensory Consortium
5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?

Consultation with your child's teacher in the first instance.  The teacher will then discuss your child's needs with the SENCo, who will meet with you and make a Request for Service if it is decided that it is appropriate.

5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?
  • Any programmes recommended by these services can be implemented during the school day on a regular basis, either by the SENCO or by a Teaching Assistant.
  • Where necessary, specialists can come into school to administer programmes and review regularly.
5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?
  • The Speech and Language Service offers a regular drop-in clinic for under-fives at venues close to our school.
  • For older children, a referral to the Speech and Language Service can be made by the school. We have a designated Speech and Language therapist who visits our school every term.
  • A referral can be made by your GP to the occupational therapist. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan they can be referred to OT by the SENCo through the CYPIT hub.
5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?

We have a designated member of staff who liaises with the Social Care Service where appropriate and is responsible for any issues involving Child Protection.

Training of school staff in SEND 6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?
  • Staff meetings with a SEND focus.
  • We invite professionals (e.g. our Educational Psychologist) to provide training in areas such as: Teaching autistic children, Precision Teaching, Managing ADHD and Writing Social Stories.
  • Staff have undertaken a large amount of training on all the common SEND that are in school and training is provided dependent on current need.
  • Training outside school is cascaded to staff in school.
  • SEND is on the agenda of Senior Leadership Team meetings and Full Governing Body meetings.
6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?
  • Our SENCo has The National SENCo Qualification and Accredited Level 5 Certificate in Dyslexia; Literacy, Support and Intervention and is able to train staff.
  • Teaching Assistants often attend teacher training days and twilight sessions as well as regular online learning opportunities.
  • A Teaching Assistant is a trained Nurture Assistant.
6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?
  • Our SENCo has The National SENCo Qualification and Accredited Level 5 Certificate in Dyslexia; Literacy, Support and Intervention
6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?
  • Teaching Assistants are given opportunities to attend courses and training to further develop their knowledge and understanding of areas of SEND.  
  • Teaching Assistants often attend teacher training days and twilight sessions as well as regular online learning opportunities.
  • A Teaching Assistant is a trained Nurture Assistant.
Activities outside the classroom including school trips 7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?
  • We always ensure that we have the necessary adult-to-child ratio when planning trips.
  • Risk assessments are undertaken in line with Local Authority guidelines.
  • We would do our utmost to ensure that a school visit was accessible for a disabled child.
  • If necessary, we would change the venue for a visit to make the trip accessible for SEND children.
7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?
  • Teachers meet with the parents of children with SEND at the planning stage of a trip, to ensure the child's needs will be met.
  • Advice is taken from the place to be visited in terms of their facilities and accessibility.
  • Through discussion with parents and school staff and where indicated, the venue.
Accessibility of the school environment 8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?

Part of our building is newly-built and includes the standard recommended installations to accommodate disabled children.

8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?
  • Advice from specialist agencies will be sought where indicated.
8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?
  • There is a disabled toilet.
8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?
  • This was carried out at the planning stage of our school extension.
  • If there were a particular need, we would look at making adaptations to our building if possible and practicable.
8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?

The school will communicate in a number of ways, depending on the disability:

  • Through a third party, e.g. an interpreter or a signer.
  • In writing.
  • Face-to-face conversation.
  • Telephone conversation.
  • E-mail.
8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?
  • Interpreter services would be used if necessary.
  • School will encourage more face to face meetings and aim to reduce the amount of written information that goes home.
  • School would encourage parents/carers to bring along an English speaking advocate to translate for them.
  • School would liaise with English as an Additional Language team to provide appropriate support and make use of guidance provided in EAL toolkit provided for Primary schools. 
Preparing my child to join the school or to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life 9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?
  • An initial visit before the start of term to see the environment and meet your child's teachers.  This is actively encouraged.
  • For children joining in Foundation Stage, there is close co-operation with our feeder pre-schools. Our Foundation Stage teacher and support staff make a number of visits to the settings and home visits to get to know the children and their needs.
  • A transition meeting with the SENCo and class teacher will be held, if necessary.  This may include staff and SENCo from the previous school or pre-school, and any professional services who may already be involved with your child.
  • If necessary, a transition plan can be drawn up, to ensure your child's entry to school meets their needs.
9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?
  • All children are prepared for moving to the next stage by spending an afternoon in their next class with their next teacher.
  • A transition plan is considered for every child with SEND, and if necessary it is drawn up by the child's teacher and the SENCO.
  • For children with ASD, we follow the Transition Plan recommended by ASSIST.
  • Your child will receive a small transition booklet with information and photographs of their next class and teachers.
  • Teachers have transfer meetings to discuss the needs of all children.
9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?
  • A transition plan will be put in place if necessary, which will include additional visits to the receiving school.
  • Our designated secondary schools have transition programmes for vulnerable children in which we take part. These commence in the Summer Term of Year 6.
  • If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan, the SENCo from the receiving school will be invited to the review meeting to discuss the transition.
  • Transition work is incorporated into the Year 6 curriculum.
9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?
  • Our SENCO will meet with the SENCO of the receiving school to ensure a smooth handover.
  • A meeting will be held between the class teacher and the Head of Year or class teacher of the receiving school.
  • Many of the professionals involved with our SEND pupils work in both primary and secondary schools, to ensure continuity of care.
  • If your child has an EHC Plan, the SENCo from the receiving school will be invited to attend the annual review in Year 6.
9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?
  • Diagnostic information, IPPs and tracking data.
  • Pastoral Care information.
  • Interventions, assessment and reports from specialists that have been made available.
  • Successful strategies
9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?


Who can I contact to discuss my child ? 10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?

First point of discussion should always be with your child's class teacher.  If this is not possible, you are welcome to contact the SENCo or the Head Teacher.

10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)
  • We use the services of a private Family Support Worker if required.
  • We also recommend Family and Parenting Support Team
  • School will offer signposting to local charities and groups that can offer support.
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support (SENDIASS)
10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?

The SENCO informs parents of SEND children of agencies which can offer support.

10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?
  • The school welcomes any positive comments from parents, be they verbal or in writing to individual teachers, the Head Teacher or the SENCo
  • The school has a formal complaints procedure.  In the event of a complaint, parents should speak to the class teacher in the first instance.
  • Parents may contact the SENCo, Head Teacher or SEN Governors.
  • The School's complaint procedure / policy is available on the school website.


School Admissions and Policy Documents

11.1: School admission arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities

School Admission Link
St Nicholas CE Primary School,Hurst

11.2: School Accessibility Plan

11.3: Special Education Needs Policy

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